Video cameras and eMail are so last millennium: Twitter was the technology of choice for hundreds of educators trying to capture the news and emotions of returning to school Aug. 24, reports the Houston Chronicle. The so-called tweets started at the crack of dawn and went strong until the last bell of the day. Jared Berry, theater director at Houston ISD’s Pin Oak Middle School, was among the first to chime in: "It’s 4:44 a.m. on 8/24/09 — 1st day of school for 2009-10 term. Can’t wait to start the day." Many school districts have vowed to give the technology a try this year. They see the 140-character, web-based messages as a powerful way to spread news quickly among staff, students, and parents. While they’re still just dipping their toes in the Twitter pool, many hope it can become a legitimate tool for fostering communication between campuses and homes. In Houston ISD, regional superintendent Cynthia Wilson is leading the Twitter charge among the principals she supervises. Around 8:30 a.m., she sent them this tweet: "We are hoping our students learn how to use twitter for school reasons. Discuss it today with your kids…"
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