We recently spoke with Texthelp’s Chief Technology Officer, Ryan Graham, on the current state of edtech tools in math and the future of math education. As popularity and…
Today’s educators have a love-hate relationship with social media. They recognize that five-year-olds know how to use tablets better than their parents and that many kids have smartphones…
There really IS an app for that, whatever "that" may be. Need help taking notes or staying organized? Do you want an on-demand guide to coding and computer…
Apps are some of the most popular tools in education, and with good reason--they're easily accessible on mobile devices and can provide quick and targeted help. Understanding how,…
The New York Times reports that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Facebook plans to hold two “hackathons” this month, bringing together software developers and educators to…
In our recent story, “10 of the best apps for education,” Assistant Editor Jenna Zwang listed several apps for mobile devices that can help classroom processes or present…
As iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches become more integrated in classrooms, educators and students are looking for new ways to apply them to the learning process. In this…