New software helps prevent dropouts

It’s billed as an Emergency Dropout Early Warning System: New software tracks student information and can predict which students are at highest risk to drop out, allowing counselors to step in early and take action, KENS 5 News reports. On Oct. 26, educators at the National Dropout Prevention Conference in San Antonio heard about a new early warning dropout prevention software program called Prevent, from Pearson Education. "We’ve developed an index that allows us to see a student at the first sign of anything going wrong, so we can do something about it when it’s critical at that very first point of contact," said Gary Hensley, the founder of Pearson’s Prevent. The software tracks a student’s attendance, GPA, failure rate, behavior, and test scores. From these components, Prevent claims it can provide counselors with early indicators of who’s most at risk of dropping out. The program would cost districts, on average, a dollar per student…

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