From Research to Action: Demonstrated One-to-One Solutions that Work

Moderated by Kevin Hogan, eSchool News, Content Director

Date: Thursday, November 8, 2012
2:00pm EST / 11:00am PST
1 hour


Technology has transformed almost every industry in America, but it is still difficult to point to examples of technology transformed schools that are reaping the educational and financial benefits of 1:1 technology. Join school district and One-to-One Institute experts who have facilitated successful 1:1 school transformation.  Participants will see examples from schools that have successfully implemented 1:1 technology, and will also learn to use key assessment and planning tools that are essential for successful implementation.

Attend this webinar and learn about:

  • Best practices from successful sites and practitioners
  • Electronic versions of Project RED and A Guidebook for Change
  • Pre-implementation tools, including a readiness rubric
  • Project planning tools
  • Financial planning tools



Leslie Wilson, CEO,
One-to-One Institute






Dr. Michael Gielniak,
Director of Programs,
One-to-One Institute


Dr. Bill Hamilton, 
Retired Superintendent of Walled Lake Schools in MI
Turn-Around Specialist for Michigan Department of Education


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