Winning the Network Traffic Battle

Moderated by Kevin Hogan, eSchool News, Content Director

Date: Thursday, April 11, 2013
Time: 2:00pm EST / 11:00am PST
Duration: 1 hour

School districts everywhere are feeling the impact of their BYOD & 1:1 programs.

The surge of new devices and traffic brought on by these initiatives are bombarding schools and overwhelming the networks and the administrators in charge of them.

Streaming video is devouring bandwidth, social media is dominating student on-line activities, encrypted traffic is traversing networks, and applications are becoming more complex and sneaky (using multiple protocols, information sources, and content delivery networks) in their effort to deliver content.

Networks administrators are being left in the dark as traditional solutions used to monitor and control traffic are becoming obsolete and ineffective at managing this next generation of traffic.

Join us for an informative webinar as we explore the latest technique being used to solve this problem, application categorization.

This new, content based approach to managing network traffic, gives you the ability to make decisions across hundreds of groups, customized-user defined lists, and millions of URLs to ensure your network runs smoothly.

Participants will:

  • See how content acts as a critical element of user context
  • Learn why client-based web filtering failed
  • Gauge the impact of BYOD or 1:1 programs on content consumption
  • Protect critical learning resources
  • Limit non-essential content and applications


Webinar Speakers:

Shawn Sweeney,
Director Product Management and Marketing,
Procera Networks


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Due to technical difficulties the first 7 minutes of audio were lost. If you have any questions about this webinar please email Shana Murik at

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