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First lady: Math, science important to nation

First lady Michelle Obama told middle and high school science teams May 3 that the nation will need their skills and enthusiasm to prosper, reports the Associated Press. Mrs. Obama visited the Energy Department’s National Science Bowl and read bonus questions during the middle school championship match. “We want young people energized in the way that you all are, because we know that American brainpower in science and math has always driven this country’s prosperity,” she told the group after the two winning teams received their trophies. “We are going to need you.” She challenged the students to help build the future of medicine, clean energy, and security. Albuquerque Academy from Albuquerque, N.M., won the middle school science bowl. Earlier, first-time competitors North Carolina School for Science and Mathematics from Durham, N.C., won the high school competition. Regional science bowl winners from 105 middle and high schools traveled to Washington, D.C., for the national competition. The teams represented 42 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands…

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