Prince George’s schools to salvage computer system

An investigation by Prince George’s County, Md., school officials found the SchoolMax scheduling system that snarled the first days of the new school year had significant shortcomings that required repeated repairs. But it also determined that replacing the system would be more costly and time-consuming than fixing it, reports the Washington Post. Superintendent William R. Hite Jr. said that many of the problems with SchoolMax, a computer system chosen in 2005 to help Prince George’s County comply with federal requirements for keeping track of data, had been ironed out, and that it would be easier to get SchoolMax working correctly than to build a system from scratch. "We have a significant investment" in SchoolMax, said Hite. He also outlined a series of changes that had improved results and were intended to prevent a repeat of the confusion that plagued the district in late August, when the new school year began (see “SchoolMax cited in back-to-school nightmare”) …

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