Web site lends an ear to student woes-then reports trends to schools

Heidi Allstop was a Junior year psychology student when she launched her online business Spill, a web site where students can anonymously submit descriptions of their personal problems and receive responses within 24 hours from trained student supporters, reports ReadWriteWeb. Now available on 10 campuses around the United States, Spill provides a simple method of offering support and of gathering information about what kinds of support a school’s students really need. “Usually universities are wrong in their assumptions,” Allstop says. “They have no way to get insight into what is bothering students, to know what students are crying on their pillows about.” Spill-using schools can leverage the data the service provides for student retention, risk mitigation, suicide prevention and to develop recommendations for services they should consider. It’s an excellent example of value created through analysis of aggregate social app user data…

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