Free laptop with broadband access?

If you were offered a free laptop with broadband access, would you be willing to work for it… from home? That’s the question now posed to economically & health-challenged citizens by the recently formed nonprofit, Don’t Forget the Kids, according to a PRWeb release. Don’t Forget the Kids is a new 501(c)(3) charitable organization aimed at improving the quality of life through education. Using innovative concepts and advanced technology, this organization helps to bridge educational gaps, providing life-changing opportunities to those in need.

“We evaluated many problems faced by low income citizens,” says J. R. Bott, Executive Director, and concluded the lack of education was the foremost factor. Our educational deficiencies have a ripple effect on families, communities, and society as a whole. It is our goal to stop these ripples at an early age and break the resulting cycles before they start.”

Don’t Forget the Kids determined that the educational needs of the very young (pre-K) should be their primary focus. In addition, support will be provided for the special needs of youth, military, and aging citizens. The organization’s research revealed the most common obstacle to succeeding in an educational program was the inability to attend a traditional class or facility. For some, this was due to physical limitations, but for most, it’s due to a lack of childcare, funds, transportation, and scheduling conflicts (with work and after-school programs). Don’t Forget the Kids’ solution to eliminate this obstacle is to provide technology resources – a laptop with internet access – and free individualized educational programs. These high quality top-rated courses are self-paced and available 24/7/365 in the privacy of the client’s home…

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