Miramonte sex-abuse case unifies South Los Angeles community

In a lounge bar and restaurant south of Downtown Los Angeles, about fifty people met on a Saturday night and watched comedian and fellow-alum Adrian “Adee” McCovy Sr. host a comedy show. They gathered there to support the John C. Fremont High School Alumni Foundation (FHSAF) and raise funds for their alma mater, the Huffington Post reports. All the proceeds from this and future events, they announced, would pay for scholarships for college-bound seniors. Because for many students at Fremont High, graduating is no small feat. According to Department of Education data, while statewide graduation rates for the the 2009-10 academic year was 78.59%, Fremont’s class saw a meager 54.3%. Marred by poverty and impoverished neighborhoods, this predominantly brown and black campus–90.6% Hispanic and 8.9% Black, according to 2009-10 LAUSD statistics — underwent “reconstitution” only two years ago. Spearheaded by then Superintendent Ramon Cortines, the school was the first in LAUSD history to be figuratively demolished and built from scratch…

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