Contact: Kati Elliott KEH Communications
New Trends in WorkforceSafety at Core of New Training Courses in PublicSchoolWORKS’ ‘EmployeeSafe Suite’
Washington, DC – June 28, 2009 – PublicSchoolWORKS is providing school districts with new training courses that focus specifically on trends in workplace safety and regulation compliance — two that focus on health issues and four that target matters dealing with transportation. The courses are available within the Staff Training Management System of EmployeeSafe, which includes more than 150 online safety and worker development courses as well as custom course development to address district-specific training requirements.
Flu Pandemic for Administrators and Flu Preparation for all staff explore the context of the flu and response methods to both seasonal and global flu outbreaks. Bus Pre-Inspection, Transportation: Public Relations, Loading and Unloading Students with Disabilities and School Bus Emergency Evacuation instruct employees on how to manage safety issues related to the busing of students. All courses include post assessment to ensure the material was comprehended.
“We are seeing safety issues around transportation spike as a concern for school districts. As equipment ages and budgets do not allot for new busses, district safety officers need to ensure that bus drivers are using equipment safely, said
Staff Training Management System is one module within the EmployeeSafe Suite, a safety management system that includes several tools for implementing, managing and sustaining occupational safety measures, including Employee Accident Management, Visitor/Volunteer Accident Management, OSHA 300 Reporting, Compliance Task Management (Non-Training), MSDS, Staff Safety Reporting, Staff Telephone Helplines, and Safety Document Management.
All activities within the EmployeeSafe Suite are managed automatically with e-mail notifications when an action such as training needs to take place. Supervisors are notified when staff is not in compliance. System users receive 24/7 support via telephone helplines that provide answers on how to access and use the system and get started with online training.
About PublicSchoolWORKS
Since its founding in 2000, PublicSchoolWORKS has been committed to providing top-quality, practical and cost-effective solutions to the constantly changing environmental, health and safety requirements affecting the nation’s educational systems. The company has gained an exemplary reputation for the innovation and technical superiority of its comprehensive and integrated safety and compliance management systems, which combine administrative software tools and resources to dramatically reduce the time and cost required to develop, implement, and sustain safety compliance programs. For more information visit us on the web at
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