Norway-based it’s learning Taps Education Visionary


Kati Elliott                            Michael Bronder
KEH Communications        it’s learning, inc.
410-975-9638                       978-771-3257
Norway-based it’s learning Taps Education Visionary
Jon Bower to Lead U.S. Operations
Boston — July 29, 2009 – it’s learning AS, a Bergen, Norway-based company and individual learning platform provider, has launched in the U.S. under the direction of Jon Bower. Bower, who brings to it’s learning expertise acquired by growing educational software companies Lexia Learning Systems and Soliloquy Learning, plus his experience in Stanford University’s graduate programs in International Development Education and Global Development, will lead the company as President of it’s learning, inc.
In his new position, Bower will provide strong vision and strategic direction for it’s learning, inc. “At it’s learning, we are seeing a paradigm shift in how schools educate students. Schools in Europe are using it’s learning’s tools to deliver individual instruction in ways that dramatically improve outcomes. As American schools become more student centric, it’s learning will lead the way by supplying tools to make the individualization of instruction easy for educators,” said Bower.
Bower brings years of experience in leadership, education, and technology to it’s learning. In addition to running Lexia from 1997 – 2005 and Soliloquy from 2006 – 2007, Bower was Director of Product Management and Marketing at Kurzweil Applied Intelligence, CEO of RTJ Medical Software, Vice President Special Operations at Knoll International and a consultant at McKinsey & Company. Bower is a member of the Board of Directors of Avant Assessment, LLC, Learning Disabilities Worldwide (LDW), and is Chair of the Board of Trustees at MassBayCommunity College in Wellesley, MA.  He has spoken at multiple education conferences on the topics of cognitive development, reading, learning disabilities, and technology.  Bower earned his MBA at the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration.
About it’s learning
it’s learning is an international learning platform provider with clients in primary schools, secondary schools, and Higher Education. In addition to its headquarters in Norway, the company has offices in the United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, France, Spain and the United States. Investing in the future of education, it’s learning dedicates more than 40 percent of its resources to the design and development of its products. The company offers the best learning platform worldwide and provides the high quality services that make the platform successful for its education partners.

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