Skatekids Produces Significant Gains in Students’ Reading Test Scores

ANN ARBOR, MI, October 14, 2009 — Quantum Learning Technologies (QLT), the premier developer of game-based, web-delivered educational products, announced today that recent scientific analysis of Skatekids clearly demonstrates the program’s efficacy in the development of literacy skills. Dr. Jack A. Naglieri, a renowned professor from George Mason University Department of Psychology, has conducted several studies of Skatekids. The results of his investigations indicated that Oral Reading Fluency scores improved considerably for students who used Skatekids.  He also found that the more students use Skatekids the more they improved. The results of these studies were confirmed last month by an independent analysis conducted by San Diego Unified School District.  In the SDUSD analysis, significantly higher growth in the treatment group was seen in three categories: vocabulary, comprehension, and total scores. Both the control and treatment groups also had the benefit of other reading and intervention programs utilized by the district.


Dr. Jack A. Naglieri, Psychology Professor at George Mason University and Senior Research Scientist at Devereux Foundation’s Center for Resilient Children said, “These studies have consistently shown that that QLT’s Skatekids has significant impact on literacy skills. If I were a school administrator I would want to incorporate Skatekids into my curriculum plan.” To obtain copies of Dr. Naglieri’s research papers on this topic please contact him at:


Designed for students in the 3rd through 8th grades, Skatekids helps develop literacy, reading comprehension and critical thinking skills by embedding scientifically-developed and clinically-proven educational games and activities in an exciting, virtual world environment. Skatekids combines leading scientific research in literacy and cognitive development with sophisticated modern gaming theory in a format that is fun, engaging and relevant to today’s digitally savvy students. A companion program for Pre-K through 2nd grade students, Ramps to Reading, is designed to introduce foundational literacy concepts which students will build upon in Skatekids.


 Skatekids is an effective program because students are active participants in the learning process, the level of rigor is individualized and it makes learning fun,” said Terry Anderson, Quantum Learning Technologies President and CEO. “We are pleased that this independent study by San Diego Unified School District confirms the effectiveness of Skatekids.


A key belief that underpins all of QLT’s products is that kids love learning when the context is relevant to them, and QLT’s program usage statistics bear this out. The Skatekids virtual learning world contains scientifically developed literacy, problem solving and cognitive skill-building games as well as non-educational activities and games designed to allow brief, frequent breaks from the fun but challenging learning activities. However, it is important to note that, in every program, the educational activities have always outranked the leisure activities in overall popularity.


About Quantum Learning Technologies

Quantum Learning Technologies provides web-delivered educational products that enable learners to reach their full academic potential. QLT’s solutions embed scientifically based methods of cognitive processing instruction and explicit basic skill development in engaging, interactive programs. Inspired by video game design techniques, QLT’s programs harness the natural power of game play and engage learners to work harder and longer, and achieve greater success because they are immersed in activities that are fun, meaningful and highly effective.  For more information go to:


About Skatekids

Quantum Learning Technologies designed and developed Skatekids specifically for children 7-12 years old. Skatekids cultivates early readers by engaging them in educational activities scientifically designed to stimulate the development of cognitive processes that are necessary in learning to read. Skatekids provides multiple reading levels and presents various formats for practice and skill development, effectively creating critical thinkers and teaching children how to learn. All of these activities take place within a safe and age-appropriate online world designed specifically for these young "digital natives". 

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