Online tool helps teachers evaluate open educational resources

While free resources for teaching and learning can be found all over the internet, it’s often hard to assess the quality of a resource or whether it aligns to certain standards. Now, a new tool aims to help.

Announced in November, the OER Evaluation Tool, from the nonprofit education reform group Achieve Inc. and the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education (ISKME), allows users to rate the quality of OER materials for teaching and learning and aligns the resources to the Common Core State Standards.

The tool has been integrated into the OER Commons, a searchable library and database of open educational resources that ISKME launched in February 2007. Users refer to rubrics to help them evaluate the quality of instructional resources they might want to use.

The tool boosts the value of open educational resources to instructors, said Lisa Petrides, president of ISKME. “Now, educators can use curated lesson plans, courses, and learning modules with readily available information about how these materials meet the highest standards for learning,” she explained.

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