The Measured Progress COMMON CORE Assessment Program

Prepare for the Common Core, One Day at a Time

Integrate the Common Core into your daily classroom instruction using the Measured Progress COMMON CORE Assessment Program. Our new program is designed and built to help educators introduce students to the Common Core standards and prepare them for next-generation assessments.

Using our COMMON CORE Assessment Program, you can:

Build classroom assessments with newly created items from the Measured Progress COMMON CORE Item Bank, which includes a variety of item types for English language arts and math for grades 3-8.

  • Target instruction with Measured Progress COMMON CORE Testlets. Each testlet assesses a specific Common Core strand or domain and can be administered in just 15-20 minutes. Testlets are available for grades 3-8 in English language arts and mathematics.
  • Deliver items and testlets in paper/pencil form or electronically.
  • Tie together assessment, data, and instruction with help from our online and face-to-face professional development sessions.

Coming Soon: additional items and testlets will be added to the program throughout the school year. The item bank will grow to include high school items, performance tasks, and technology-enhanced items.

To learn more, email or call (877) 678-3787.

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