Partnership offers courses to help teachers use tech in more empowered ways
Answering President Obama’s call to help schools embrace technology and digital learning in U.S. classrooms, edX will offer professional development courses for teachers.
As part of ConnectEd, edX partner universities and colleges will offer teacher professional development courses, along with courses to prepare students for AP exams.
“EdX and our university partners are pleased to stand with President Obama to offer U.S. teachers and school districts free, innovative resources to improve teaching and learning outcomes,” said Anant Agarwal, edX CEO. “These courses will empower teachers to use technology in the classroom in creative and personalized ways.”
(Next page: What the partnership will entail)
Free verified certificates for U.S. teachers
edX and its partner institutions have committed to offering free verified certificates for teacher training courses to all U.S. teachers for one year. Following the first year, teachers in high-need schools will be eligible for free verified certificates for an additional four years. These courses will include training on using technology in the classroom, learning theory and leadership, along with teaching in a blended format. These courses, developed by the nation’s best colleges and universities, will focus on blended learning and integrating technology in the classroom. U.S. teachers will be able to earn free verified certificates upon successful course completion.
Free verified certificates for students in high-need schools
Students in Title I and high-need schools interested in courses to prepare for AP exams, will also be able to earn a free verified certificate from edX.
Courses will be available on over the next 12 months.
EdX partners participating in the ConnectED initiative include:
Teacher professional development:
- Boston University
- Davidson College
- Georgetown University
- Harvard University
- Rice University
- Teachers College, Columbia University
- University of Texas Arlington
- University of Texas Austin
- University of Texas System
Courses to prepare for AP exams:
- Boston University
- Cooper Union
- Davidson College
- Georgetown University
- Tennessee Board of Regents
- Rice University
- UC Berkeley
- Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Material from a press release was used in this report.
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