
6 grants for putting more technology in your classroom

Try these grants to add more computers or fund a tech-heavy classroom project

grants-TLFor many classrooms, unfortunately, there just isn’t enough technology to go around. To that extent, many educators and administrators rely on school grants to fund important projects and opportunities for students.

Each month, eSchool News compiles a list of new education grant opportunities. This month’s grants focus on improving access to technology for students, teachers, and schools. We list grants for eco-tech, adding more computers, classroom makeovers, attending tech conferences, and more.

Toshiba Grants For Grades 6 – 12
Wanted: Classroom Innovators! Toshiba America Foundation accepts applications from teachers who are passionate about making science and mathematics more engaging for their students. Many successful grantees have designed projects that tap into the natural curiosity of their students, enable students to frame their own scientific questions, and incorporate the expertise of community partners.
Funding amount: $5,000
Deadline: August 1

Next page: 5 more grant opportunities

EcoTech Grants
The Captain Planet Foundation is awarding 16 grants for the purpose of engaging children in inquiry-based projects in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) that use innovation, biomimicry / nature-based design, or new uses for technology to address environmental problems in their communities.
Funding amount: $2,500
Deadline: April 30

Fab School Labs
This contest, from the Northrop Grumman Foundation, is open to public middle schools and will make five grants of up to $100,000 available to five winning schools to fund a school lab makeover. Teachers will have the opportunity to submit an entry explaining why they deserve to win a science lab of their dreams giving students access to the latest technology and learning tools.
Funding amount: Up to $100k
Deadline: May 4-June 12

Lockheed Martin STEM Grants
These are general grants supporting specific programs in schools, especially relating to STEM education and community improvement. There is a geographic restriction, which may exclude those handful of states where the company has no physical presence or substantial business interest.
Funding amount: Flexible
Deadline: Rolling

EdTech Conference Grants
K-12 administrators, teachers and technology coordinators are eligible for these grants that make it possible for individuals to attend education technology conferences from eInstruction. Loaner technology to use at the conference and a few other perks are also included.
Funding amount: $3,500Deadline: 5 months in advance of conference

Computers for Learning
CFL is a federal program allows schools and educational nonprofit organizations to view and select the computer equipment that federal agencies have reported as excess, and then bring them back to their institutions. Schools can apply through filling out a registration form.
Deadline: Rolling


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