What’s It Like? Quist (a contraction of “queer history”) is a reference app for exploring historic events that involved members of the LGBTQ community. Quist’s developers created the app to build awareness, engagement, and support for the LGBTQ community and the history of the community’s struggles. On launch, users see events that occurred on this date; then, users can tap that story to view a longer entry and to browse other entries from that date
Price: Free/paid
Grades: 6-12
Pros: Good images, huge volume of content, and great developer website tell a powerful (and sometimes overlooked) story.
Cons: Inconsistent interface interrupts engrossing content; external links have a wide range of quality, reliability, and appropriateness for kids.
Bottom line: A fine reference tool that’s best used to introduce kids and adults to the LGBTQ community’s history.
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