App of the Week: Create slideshare videos

Ed. note: App of the Week picks are now being curated with help from Graphite by Common Sense Media. Click here to read the full app review.

What’s It Like? Knowmia Teach is a tool for capturing teacher- or student-created videos on an iPad. Users can create slides that include images, diagrams, or text and then record themselves as they speak, draw, use a pointer, and otherwise walk viewers through their slides. Resulting videos (which can be up to 15 minutes long) are then stored on the developer’s website.

Price: Free

Grades: 6-12

Pros: Users who explore the intro lesson and play with the features will be rewarded with impressive results.

Cons: Some features for sharing and recording are available only with the paid version, and some users might find the interface too complex.

Bottom line: This is an excellent screencasting tool for teachers who need a secure online space for sharing videos.


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