Redbird Mathematics
What’s It Like? Redbird Advanced Learning Mathematics is a digital curriculum platform for in-class or blended learning use that incorporates robust, research-based adaptive technology. Teachers can assign students to grade-level learning tracks or let them sort themselves with a course placement activity. Students then work through a series of exercises to demonstrate prior mastery (Show What You Know), learn new concepts, and then practice what they learned. Along the way, students unlock math-based games and ultimately finish each section with a project to apply their new understanding.
Price: Paid
Grades: K-7
Rating: 4/5
Pros: Excellent adaptive technology, powerful digital manipulatives to build conceptual understanding, great design, and cross-platform compatibility.
Cons: Still not great for kids who really struggle or really excel; most learning is a passive experience, and kids could use more hands-on or discovery work.
Bottom line: If you’re looking for courseware for your nontraditional classroom, this is based on solid research and proven technology.
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