Demco Acquires StickTogether, Accelerating StickTogether’s Mission and Expanding Demco’s Range of Innovative Solutions

MADISON, WIS. – Demco, a leading learning environments company, announces the acquisition of all assets related to StickTogether LLC, a collection of uniqueand collaborative team-building activities and products. The acquisition reinforces Demco’sinvestment and growth in the pre-K–12 space and helps accelerate StickTogether’s mission of providing inclusive activities where participants can relax, be themselves, connect with others, and be part of something special.

“Watching StickTogether’s incredible impact grow over the years, we wanted to find the perfect home for StickTogether Products,” said Sylvia Stein, Founder of StickTogether. “Throughout our search, we had one of our long-time partners in mind — Demco. We reached out to the Demco team because, like our team at StickTogether, Demco is passionate about education, inclusivity, and empowering young learners. I can’t think of a more natural Pit and I will be excited to watch StickTogether’s next chapter unfold.”

First created for MakerFaireNY2015, StickTogether has grown and evolved, thanks to thededicated, creative, and tight-knit StickTogether community of librarians, teachers, media specialists, counselors, activity directors, and others in the education space.

“We’re thrilled to introduce the magic of StickTogether to even more learners nationwide and help further StickTogether’s mission,” said Chad Edwards, President of Demco. “Since our initial partnership with Sylvia and the StickTogether team more than five years ago, we’ve seen firsthand the impact StickTogether can have on learning, and we look forward for what’s to come.”

Much more than just stickers and pixels, StickTogether’s digital resources and
manipulatives promote collaboration, inclusion, and teamwork. StickTogether’s Sticker Poster Kits, the company’s Plagship product, are pixelated images that learners create together with their peers by adding half-inch square stickers to a large, coded grid. The result is a colorful image that showcases the power of working together.

In addition, StickTogether offers Virtual Stickerboards™ — a virtual version of the Sticker Poster Kits — that learners can work on together with their peers on their devices, as well as Pixel Art, a platform that lets learners create their own mosaic designs.

Current StickTogether customers will continue to receive the same support, service, and innovation from Demco that they have come to expect and love from StickTogether. Demco customers can look forward to hearing more about StickTogether in the coming weeks.

To learn more about Demco, please visit

About Demco
Demco is one of the fastest-growing learning environment companies in the USA and one ofthe largest library supply companies in the world. For nearly 120 years, its goal hasremained the same: help educators spark curiosity and ignite learning.

Demco equips schools and libraries with inspired furnishings and space design, innovative learning tools, and top-quality supplies and equipment, empowering educators everywhere to maximize the potential of their spaces and those they serve. Learn more at

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