It is an exciting time in education. We have an opportunity to ensure that all students develop the skills and understanding necessary to succeed in a highly literate…
The Federal Registry for Educational Excellence (FREE) makes it easier to find digital teaching and learning resources created and maintained by the federal government and public and private…
In a recent survey, 83 percent of ed-tech leaders said preparing for Common Core assessments is among their top three priorities—and 62 percent fear they won’t have enough…
The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) ask students to perform with higher levels of cognition and application, and brain training and specific teaching methods can help students succeed…
What will reading instruction look like under the Common Core State Standards? Much attention has been paid to the idea that the standards place more emphasis on reading…
The shift toward online exams aligned with the Common Core standards will require much more preparation than making sure networks can handle the strain; students will need basic…
What does teaching math look like under the Common Core standards? Lots of classroom interaction and more inquiry-based approaches to learning, according to experts who are helping schools…
With implementation of the Common Core State Standards under way, a method known as the Big6 can help ensure that a curriculum put in place to meet the…