Genetic Science Learning Center teaches the A-B-Cs of DNA

The Genetic Science Learning Center, a science and health education program from the University of Utah, aims to make science easy for everyone to understand.

To achieve this mission, the program offers two educational websites that are available to internet users free of charge:

Learn.Genetics delivers educational materials on genetics, bioscience, and health topics. Designed for use by students, teachers, and members of the public, the materials meet U.S. education standards for science and health.

The materials include an animated tour of the basics of DNA, videos that explain how generic traits are passed from one generation to the next, and a glimpse inside the dynamic world of a cell. Users also can see how cells compare in size to molecules, atoms, and other objects; build a DNA molecule; and learn how molecular genetics is shedding light on the process of natural selection.

Teach.Genetics provides resources for K-12 teachers and higher-education faculty. These include PDF-based “Print-and-Go” activities, unit plans, and other supporting resources. The resources are designed to support and extend the materials on Learn.Genetics.

For instance, a unit called “Introduction to Heredity” includes five easy-to-implement classroom activities that teach the basics of heritable traits, as well as three take-home activities to help students share what they’re learning with their families.

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