oughton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Co., the publisher of authors from Mark Twain to J.R.R. Tolkien, sought bankruptcy protection to eliminate more than $3 billion in debt, Businessweek reports.
In a development that would have been unheard of a decade ago, about 200,000 U.S. school children are enrolled in full-time online programs, BusinessWeek reports.
Teachers are being warned they could lose their certification if they participate in efforts to recall Idaho Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna, repeal his new education reforms…
The Louisiana House's budget committee wants to cap salaries for the state's education superintendent and college leaders, arguing Monday the compensation has grown too fast and is out…
Hamza Afzal had such a hard time finding an electrical engineering internship during the recession that he delayed his graduation, took pre-med classes, and applied to law school,…
A new survey reveals the vast majority of medical school students believe that technology in the form of virtual reality exercises could help them develop the skills they…
North Dakota is developing a statewide data project to track student progress in school and provide information about whether young people are learning skills that the job market…
Blackboard Inc., a provider of software to schools and colleges, on July 14 said it will make content and learning technology from The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. available to…
Technology Director Ryan Lawson would like to get his hands on more than 700 iPads for the entire student body at Brother Rice High School, a private all-boys…
Texas Gov. Rick Perry proposed April 7 that his state abandon using traditional textbooks in public schools and replace them with computer technology, BusinessWeek reports.
Planning to build a local high-speed broadband network as a test project, Google Inc. has received more than 600 responses from communities interested in the effort, BusinessWeek reports.