
Schools prep for Digital Learning Day

Digital Learning Day will inspire, encourage educators

digital-learningOn Feb. 5, 2014, teachers, library media specialists, and students across the nation will celebrate Digital Learning Day as they strive to incorporate digital learning into their classrooms and libraries.

The day is intended to help educators learn how they can inject more of a digital emphasis into their instruction, and is part of a larger movement to make digital learning more of a mainstay in U.S. classrooms and libraries.

The Alliance for Excellent Education is hosting a live celebration that includes talks and commentary from policy makers and education leaders, hands-on lessons and activities to demonstrate digital learning in action, and advice from district-level experts who are successfully navigating the digital transition.

Those interested can register for the virtual conference, which includes a kickoff session at 11 a.m. EST and a National Digital Learning Policy panel discussion at 2:30 p.m. EST.

(Next page: Links to resources and activities)Suggested activities on the Digital Learning Day site include:

  • Distribute a flier with free technology tools and ask your faculty to try something new
  • Host a digital learning fair showcasing a project based learning activity
  • Work with your local PTA/PTO to hold a Family Technology Night
  • Showcase innovative teachers and/or students
  • Plan an event at your state capitol or community center to engage policymakers and community leaders to learn more
  • Conduct a teacher or student video contest
  • Create a blog space for students and teachers post essays
  • Teach an interactive digital lesson in the classroom
  • Ask technology savvy teachers to mentor other teachers in their building or district
  • Encourage the use of teacher portals and professional learning communities
  • Use Digital Learning Day to focus on cyberbullying or digital citizenship
  • Announce “big news” such as a new 1 to 1 initiative, a professional development series, or a new approach

You can take the Digital Learning Day pledge here.

Do you have a Digital Learning Day event planned? Add it to the official map so that fellow educators can see what you have planned. Your event might inspire others to sign up.

You can sign up for eMails and updates.

The site also offers daily tips, ranging from digital learning lesson plans and toolkits to valuable integration advice.

Follow along on Twitter with the hashtag #DLDay.

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Laura Ascione

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