Four tools for personalizing your classroom

Erica Snyder, a Digital Learning Designer for the New Tech Network, shares four ed-tech tools to personalize the classroom


For building classroom culture or doing quick checks for understanding, this tool allows for the teacher to post any question, schedule the topic on a class calendar, and receive 90-second video responses from their learners.

It can easily be personalized by class period or for specific groups of students. These mini-videos allow for both students and teachers to see one another on their time and hear ideas in an easily navigated flip book structure.


Nothing is more personal than a message meant specifically for you. Vocaroo is a quick, easy way to give oral feedback, directions, messages, and clarification about concepts to your learners.

It is easy to record your voice in the tool or upload your file from the computer. Then simply share with a URL link. You can also embed it in a website if you’d like in the event you have one for your class.


Using videos in the classroom is a great scaffolding strategy, but sometimes it is hard to find a video that asks questions about the specific content you are trying to address.

With Zaption, you can remix content; insert comments, questions, and checks for understanding, without having to edit video. Simply find a video, import to Zaption, and export to your learners for personalized learning.


With the raised expectations Common Core brings to disciplinary literacy, it is even more essential to differentiate and personalize for your learners. Simply pick a category that best aligns to what subject you are teaching, select an article that supports your content and Newsela gives you variations of the same article written at different Lexile levels.

Create your class and assign students to the level that is appropriate for them. This allows for all students to participate in discourse about a topic, differentiate for your special needs students, low level readers, and English language learners, and support non-fiction reading in all content areas.

Erica Snyder is a Digital Learning Designer for the New Tech Network.

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