As educators gear up for a new school year, they’ll be doing some learning of their own in professional development workshops and sessions. Unfortunately, district and school-based professional…
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush addressed the Republican Convention on Thursday night, giving a speech about education reform that is likely to fuel talk that he could be…
In June, Mitt Romney told Virginians on the campaign trail that he wanted "to make sure that we keep America a place of opportunity..." the Huffington Post reports.
The Chicago Teachers Union voted on Thursday to allow its first strike in 25 years starting on September 10 in the nation's third-largest school district if negotiators cannot…
Expanding school choice is a central piece of Mitt Romney's education platform. But allowing more public dollars to follow low-income and special-needs children to private schools -- one…
Despite an offer by the tech giant's Google Fiber operation to virtually give away some internet service to customers, the areas most lacking in online connections also appear…
The foundation supports projects that: 1) Promote understanding of environmental issues; 2) Focus on hands-on involvement; 3) Involve children and young adults 6-18 (elementary through high school); 4)…
Rand McNally and USA TODAY Education invite students in the 7-12th grades to tell our President what’s on their minds via Rand McNally’s “Dear Mr. President” essay contest,…
The Republican National Committee’s platform on education contains a lot of tea party buzzwords: abstinence, English-first, homeschooling, vouchers, local control, the National Journal reports.
We know that cellphones and driving don't mix. Despite the accidents and known risks, 89% of teens say they reply to a text message or email within five…
Three days before the end of pre-school, Ms. Sabrena and the children sit around the table playing Bingo on boards the size of placemats. Nawal only needs one…
The Brookings Institution released a long-term study earlier this month that examined the effects of school vouchers on eventual college enrollment, the National Journal reports.
ooking to spice up your iPhone or iPad while waiting for the next revision to come out of Cupertino? Give some of these gadgets and accessories a try!…
WNET, New York City’s flagship public TV station, has pulled together more than 800 interactive educational resources from public media projects from the past 10 years and housed…
Albert Einstein, responsible for the world’s most famous equation and quite possibly the smartest man to ever live, said that “logic will get you from A to B.…
Fake Science 101: A Less-Than-Factual Guide to Our Amazing World has been banned by the Houston Independent School District, the Houston Press blog Hair Balls reports.
New information from the federal government is the latest to show tremendous gaps in college attainment between socioeconomic and ethnic groups, the Huffington Post reports.
Former D.C. Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee called for classroom teachers unhappy with the system to brace themselves for battle, says the Hechinger Report.
Canadian teachers on Tuesday protested proposals for a two-year pay freeze and curbs to their collective bargaining rights to help pay down Ontario province's $14.8 billion budget deficit,…
By adopting unified communications, schools can reduce costs, ease network maintenance, and improve the flow of information among staff, students, ... Read more
While most students enjoy games, even the simplest kind—such as tic tac toe—can help children develop important 21st-century skills such as critical thinking and mathematical reasoning, experts say.
An evaluation of five existing text complexity metrics uncovers accurate estimates for achieving Common Core State Standards. Independent study confirms ... Read more
A 17-year-old student is in critical condition after he was shot on the first day of school today in a Baltimore suburb and a quick thinking teacher subdued…
From the files of what will they think of next, singer-songwriter-producer will debut his next song on Mars. NASA announced the news itself via press release on…
Why would you possibly develop your own student information system, special education management system, library information system, school financial system, or other data collection and reporting tools? Asks…
Judging how smart a person is can be a very subjective matter. Does their IQ score make them the smartest? Or is it more about accomplishments? The debate…
After last week's court ruling against Samsung found that the tech giant had violated Apple's patents and awarded the latter more than $1 billion in damages, the technology…
A new graphing calculator from Casio lets students plot mathematical equations on top of real-life images and user-uploaded photos—adding relevance to math concepts that many students find abstract…
Whenever I meet anyone who wants to talk about education, I immediately ask them to tell me the quadratic equation. Almost no one ever can. (Even the former…
How many teachers have the opportunity to make $100,000 a year? Meet Avi Flombaum, 28, a programmer and teacher who hasn't taken the usual route, says the Huffington…
When Ohio's new teacher evaluation system kicks in starting next year, teacher Tammy Schmidt may be joining her third-grade students in preparing scrapbooks of their classroom accomplishments, the…
Apple will unveil a new, smaller version of its wildly popular iPad in October after the release of the latest version of its iPhone next month, the All…