University of San Diego Implements SunGard Higher Education Banner Enrollment Management Solution Helps Increase Applicants by Four Percent

Solution Helps Support Efforts to Increase Enrollment, Raise Profile and Diversity of Incoming Classes

MALVERN, Pa, September 16, 2009 — In support of its efforts to increase national and international enrollment, create a more diverse student body and raise the profile of incoming classes, the University of San Diego has implemented the Banner Relationship Management solution from SunGard Higher Education.
Within a few short months of implementation, the solution helped the University drive very successful recruiting campaigns, according to Steve Pultz, director of admissions at the Roman Catholic institution.  The University was able to increase the number of contacts made with prospects, automate invitations and responses for events and provide better follow up with event attendees.  As a result, the University reports that applications have increased by four percent and that they are experiencing a higher ratio of enrolled to admitted students.
“More people are becoming aware of the quality learning and living experiences offered by the University; however, as a private institution, we need to work harder to demonstrate the value we provide relative to the cost of tuition,” said Mr. Pultz.  “The solution from SunGard Higher Education is helping us meet our recruitment goals by giving us the capability to easily personalize and track our communications with prospects, and to maintain relationships with them from their very first interaction with the University through the admissions process, and throughout their learning experience with us.”
Banner Relationship Management helps institutions address the full lifecycle of constituent engagement management.  The solution includes Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) capabilities to help institutions engage their constituents more holistically and cost-effectively throughout their full lifecycle.   As a core component of the Banner Unified Digital Campus (UDC), the Banner Relationship Management solution provides relationship functionality that helps institutions reach out more effectively to identify and enroll students, and create the personalized communications needed to engage and retain students and build deeper relations with their alumni.
The success of the University’s implementation was due in large part to the collaborative approach that the institution takes with all technology initiatives.  “We had very close collaboration between our technical staff and our business users,” said Indra Bishop, director of ERP technologies at the University.  “As a result of our team effort and the SunGard Higher Education solution, we are providing our business users with better tools in order to assist them in meeting their strategic goals.”
“The University of San Diego and other institutions are under increasing pressure to measurably improve recruiting and enrollment outcomes,” said Mark Zimmerman, vice president at SunGard Higher Education.  “Successfully meeting recruiting goals involves a complex set of interactions that begin with navigating candidates toward the institution, then guiding students toward successful graduation, all the while cultivating loyal bonds that support lifelong institutional ties.  We are very pleased with the strong and early reception by higher education institutions to the Banner Enrollment Management solutions.”
About University of San Diego 
The University of San Diego is a Roman Catholic institution committed to advancing academic excellence, expanding liberal and professional knowledge, creating a diverse and inclusive community, and preparing leaders dedicated to ethical conduct and compassionate service.
Chartered in 1949, the university enrolls more than 7,000 students and is known for its commitment to teaching, the liberal arts, the formation of values and community service.  USD offers more than 60 bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees.  The university adds depth to education by inspiring students to grow spiritually, morally and socially.
About SunGard Higher Education
SunGard Higher Education provides software, systems integration, strategic consulting and technology management services to help colleges and universities build, unify and manage their digital campuses.  Bringing together people, processes and technology, SunGard Higher Education assists 1,600 colleges, universities, campuses, foundations and state systems strengthen institutional performance through improved constituent services, increased accountability and better educational experiences. Visit
About SunGard
SunGard is one of the world’s leading software and IT services companies.  SunGard serves more than 25,000 customers in more than 70 countries.

SunGard provides software and processing solutions for financial services, higher education and the public sector.   SunGard also provides disaster recovery services, managed IT services, information availability consulting services and business continuity management software.

With annual revenue exceeding $5 billion, SunGard is ranked 435 on the Fortune 500 and is the largest privately held business software and services company on the Forbes list of private businesses. Based on information compiled by Datamonitor*, SunGard is the third largest provider of business applications software after Oracle and SAP. Continuity, Insurance & Risk has recognized SunGard as service provider of the year an unprecedented six times.  For more information, please visit SunGard at

*January 2009 Technology Vendors Financial Database Tracker

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