A new type of malware infects computers using file-share web sites to download pornography and publishes the user’s internet history on a public web site before demanding a fee for its removal, reports the BBC—and of the virus’s victims is reported to be a school headmaster in Japan. The virus, which originated in Japan, installs itself on computers using a popular file-share service called Winni, used by up to 200 million people. It targets those downloading illegal copies of games in the Hentai genre, an explicit form of anime. The web site Yomiuri claims that 5,500 people have so far admitted to being infected. The virus, known as Kenzero, is being monitored by web security firm Trend Micro in Japan. One of Kenzero’s victims is reported to be a school headmaster in Japan. Masquerading as a game installation screen, it requests the PC owner’s personal details. It then takes screen captures of the user’s web history and publishes them online in the user’s name, before sending an eMail message or pop-up screen demanding a credit card payment of to “settle your violation of copyright law” and remove the web page…
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