Google Wave: Now open to the public

Google Wave, a web-based tool to let people chat and collaborate in real time, is now open to the public, CNET reports. The free Google service brought a social dimension when it arrived with much fanfare nearly a year ago, although it was available only by invitation until now. Many educators say Wave could help with online teaching and learning. “It’s clear from the invaluable feedback we’ve received that Wave is a great place to get work done, in particular for teams working together on projects that involve lots of discussion and close coordination,” Google Wave product manager Stephanie Hannon said. “If you tried Google Wave out a while ago and found it not quite ready for real use, now is a good time to come back for a second try.” Google is making Wave freely available to Google Apps users, too. “Google Wave is about getting work done,” said Lars Rasmussen, a Wave leader…

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