Opinion: Since when is being patriotic racist?

I am absolutely appalled a high school basketball team would be called out for a “U.S.A.” chant. Being patriotic is not being insensitive. In fact, America needs more patriots, but apparently, some folks in Texas don’t agree, says S.L. Carroll for Yahoo! News. As reported by KENS5 in San Antonio, Alamo Heights High School students have had a complaint filed against them for chanting “U.S.A., U.S.A., U.S.A.” The problem, according to San Antonio Independent School District athletic director Gil Garza, apparently stems from the fact that the Alamo Heights High School students are predominantly white while the Edison students are predominantly minorities. The chant was stopped almost as soon as it started by Alamo Heights coach Andrew Brewer, and the incident should have ended there. High school students are rambunctious and teachers are not mind-readers. Of course, the students may simply have been as tired of the anti-American propaganda as I am. While the chant may have been insensitive, it is sending a deeper message to those high school students and to Americans. Being American is racist…

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