Students can reject assignments that ‘violate religious beliefs’

Missouri voters on Tuesday passed its “right to pray” amendment, reaffirming the right to pray in public and in schools, the Huffington Post reports. In an effort to further define First Amendment rights, the measure formally known as Amendment 2 passed with 83 percent of the vote. The amendment’s backers say it helps protect Missouri’s Christians, about 80 percent of the population, who say they are public targets. While the religious protections outlined in the measure are already guaranteed by the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, critics are drawing attention to another part of the amendment:

“No student shall be compelled to perform or participate in academic assignments or educational presentations that violate his or her religious beliefs.”

The Missouri Constitution already allows people to worship according to personal beliefs, and prohibits discrimination based on religion for public office, testifying or serving on a jury, according to the Associated Press…

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