CoSN’s 2013 International Symposium to explore ‘digital inclusion’

The Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) will hold its 2013 International Symposium, themed Digital Inclusion: The Global Imperative of Bridging Schools and Home, on Mon., March 11, in San Diego, Calif. Scheduled to take place at CoSN’s 2013 Annual Conference, the full-day Symposium will feature experts from government, industry and philanthropy on the growing imperative for new strategies and policies to achieve a ubiquitous technology environment at school, at home and in the community.

U.S. Congressman George Miller, the Senior Democrat of the U.S. House Education and Workforce Committee, will address the International Symposium in remarks at the luncheon. This year, Congressman Miller launched a new legislative initiative to boost the use of hi-tech resources in U.S. public schools. The Transforming Education Through Technology Act would require states and school districts to develop plans and policies that put the best technology in the hands of students and teachers to support learning and achievement for all students, including allowing students and teachers to receive real-time feedback, exchange information, and connect instantly with peers beyond school walls.
Symposium participation requires advanced sign-up. Online registration is open until Thursday, February 21.

“UNESCO is delighted to join forces with CoSN in this international exploration of avenues that can address the critical issue of digital inclusion, increasingly seen as a policy imperative,” said Francesc Pedro, Chief, Teacher Development and Education Policies, Division for Teachers and Higher Education, UNESCO and Co-chair of the International Symposium.

“The purpose of the Symposium is not to simply talk about the need to bridge learning inside and outside school, but to also give participants the tools for reframing the conversation when they return to their organizations,” said Keith Krueger, CEO of CoSN.

The Symposium agenda, which comprises keynote remarks and panel and team breakout discussions, is included below:

Morning Session, 8:30 AM – 12:15 PM

Welcome & Setting Context,” featuring Keith Krueger, CEO, CoSN.

Global Visions on Digital Inclusion,” featuring Miguel Brechner, President, Plan Ceibal, Uruguay; and Mario Franco, President, Mobile Communications Foundation, Portugal.

Moderated Discussion Visionary Speakers and Audience,” featuring Bette Gray, Executive Director, Learning and Technology Resources, Alberta Education; and Susan Mann, CEO, Education Services Australia.

The Economic & Education Imperative of Digital Inclusion,” featuring Kathy Hurley, Executive Vice President for Education Alliances, Pearson Foundation, and Co-chair of International Symposium; Francesc Pedro, Chief, Teacher Development and Education Policies, Division for Teachers and Higher Education, UNESCO; Alicia Banuelos, Universidad de La Punta (2005-2012), Argentina; and, Marcel Fukayama, CEO, CDI Ventures Brazil.

Afternoon Session, 12:15 – 5:00 PM

The Political Imperative of Digital Inclusion” (working lunch), featuring Esteban Bullrich, Minister of Education, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina; Congressman George Miller (CA), Senior Democrat, U.S. House Education and Workforce Committee.

Global Digital Inclusion Challenge: Making the Case” (team breakout), featuring Gavin Dykes, Programme Director, Education World Forum, U.K.; and Laura Motta, Professor, Consejera, Consejo de Formación en Educación, Administración Nacional de Educación Pública, Argentina.

Out of the Mold Strategies,” featuring Ajith Basu, Chief Program Executive, Agastya International Foundation, India; and Zach Leverenz, Chief Executive Officer, Connect2Compete.

Into the Lion’s Den: Making the Case to Policymakers & the Public,” featuring Stacey Childress, Deputy Director of Education, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; and Francesc Pedro, Head of Lion Pride, UNESCO.

Held each year during CoSN’s Annual Conference, the full-day workshop pulls from a global perspective and expertise on prominent issues in the industry through a highly interactive curriculum. The 2013 International Symposium is sponsored by Pearson Foundation, Adobe, CISCO, HP and UNESCO.

For more information on this year’s Symposium, please visit:

For complete CoSN 2013 information, please visit:

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