Lawmaker seeks to guarantee transgender student rights

A California lawmaker has introduced legislation aimed at guaranteeing transgender students the right to use public school restrooms and participate on the sports teams that correspond with their expressed genders, the Associated Press reports. The bill reflects the accommodations that a number of U.S. schools are being asked to make as Americans start identifying as transgender at younger ages. If approved by the Legislature and signed by Gov. Jerry Brown, Assemblyman Tom Ammiano’s AB1266 would give young people the right “to participate in sex-segregated programs, activities and facilities” regardless of what gender is listed on their school records. The measure was introduced last week by Ammiano, D-San Francisco. The Capitol Resource Institute, a Sacramento-based group that lobbies for religious conservatives, highlighted Ammiano’s bill in a newsletter sent to its members on Friday, promising to fight the legislation on behalf of students who might “object to sharing bathrooms, showers, and locker rooms with students of the opposite sex.”

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