Video games are seen as good for children

Video games can be good for children, encouraging creativity and cooperation, a European Union report concluded Feb. 11 — running counter to the violent reputation of some titles, Reuters reports. In conclusions that might either surprise or reassure parents of video-game addicts, the study by the European Parliament Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection found a number of benefits and no definitive link to violent behavior. "Video games are in most cases not dangerous and can even contribute to the development of important skills," said Toine Manders, the lawmaker who drafted the report. "(They stimulate) learning of facts and skills such as strategic reflection, creativity, cooperation, and a sense of innovation," a news release on the report said. The report avoided any call for EU-wide legislation banning certain games, and instead urged the bloc’s 27 member states to work together in strengthening an existing voluntary code in Europe known as "PEGI," which rates games according to content. The EU report noted that not all games are appropriate for children, and it acknowledged that violence in some games could "stimulate" violent behavior in specific situations. The report stressed parental involvement by proposing development of a "red button" that could allow parents to control content and how long games are played…

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