ICIF creates Michael Vergauwen Education Fund

InfoComm International’s foundation, the International Communications Industries Foundation (ICIF), created the Michael Verguwen Education Fund to recognize the career achievements of AV industry leader, Michael Vergauwen. Vergauwen, the COO of AVI Systems and officer of InfoComm International, died in an accident on June 28. 

The Michael Vergauwen Education Fund will foster educational opportunities, enhancing the audiovisual industry’s service to the public through scholarships, curriculum development, community engagement and the promotion of careers in the AV field. Proceeds from investing the fund will be used on an annual basis to create these new educational opportunities, while the balance will be maintained to continue to make investments in the industry on an ongoing basis.
The fund has set an initial target of $100,000 to begin the activities of the fund. Companies and individuals wishing to contribute to this fund should send donations to: Michael Vergauwen Education Fund, ICIF, 11242 Waples Mill Road, Suite 200, Fairfax, VA  22030. Checks should be made payable to the International Communications Industries Foundation. Donations will be tax deductible.

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