Qwizdom has developed a free online learning platform for students in grades K-8, called Qtopia, with thousands of ready‐to‐use practice materials—including educational activities, games, and homework—that are accessible from any internet-connected computer. “What we have created is an online community for students and teachers that makes learning successful, measurable, and fun,” said Darin Beamish, CEO of Qwizdom.
Students can personalize their own account with customizable avatars, called Qtopians, who grow with each student as they overcome challenges and earn rewards. The site’s activities feature automatic grading, instant feedback, and data tracking, allowing educators to save time and paper when assigning homework, and online messaging and reporting tools make it easy for teachers to keep parents informed on their student’s progress and assignments.
Qtopia was piloted in January by a variety of instructors, including technology teacher Marty Harrington at Gray Elementary School in Georgia. “With Qtopia, I have seen students [who] are typically unmotivated perform better while having fun and enjoying it,” she noted.
While access to Qtopia is free of charge for educators and students, an extended version, Qtopia Plus, is in development and will feature more customization, access to state standards‐aligned curriculum, animated avatars, supplementary lesson and answer explanations, and district‐wide reporting capabilities, the company said. http://www.qtopia.com
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