PBS LearningMedia offers 14,000-plus free teaching resources

PBS LearningMedia is a new digital teaching and learning platform that offers the best of public media content and is produced specifically for teachers from pre-kindergarten through college. It aggregates content from member public television stations and government agencies, such as the National Archives, in a single online platform. With free access to more than 14,000 video clips and other high-quality resources tied to the Common Core standards, teachers can download, save, and share exactly what they need for an inspired classroom experience, PBS says. Rob Lippincott, senior vice president of education for PBS, said the system has been in development since the emergence of WGBH’s Teachers’ Domain and PBS’ Digital Learning Library. “LearningMedia is a merger of those two efforts to create a single national educational media platform for public media,” Lippincott said. The free service allows educators to search for any keyword, standard, topic, or grade level and use the content they find in the classroom. An optional premium service, which adds a fee, allows for greater customization and enhanced features. http://www.pbslearningmedia.org/

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