news roundup

Boosting access, risk-taking, and engagement

Catch up on the most compelling K-12 news stories you may have missed this week

Each Friday, I’ll be bringing you a recap of some of the most interesting and thought-provoking news developments that occurred over the week.

I can’t fit all of our news stories here, though, so feel free to visit and read up on other news you may have missed.

In this week’s news:

What do we really mean by risk taking in the classroom?
It’s important for students to learn risk taking skills. But how do schools do that without taking some big risks themselves?

Flipping the classroom when home access is a problem
A lack of reliable internet access at home can make flipping a challenge, but by no means an impossibility.

Bringing wi-fi, and parent engagement, to the community
As the typical school day ends at Kent School District, in Washington state, many of our 27,000 students file onto school buses for the ride home. For some students, leaving their school’s campus means leaving internet access behind – and all that comes with it. As a forward-thinking, technology-driven district, we’ve long considered ourselves pioneers in bringing technology to students, and we’re proud of our mature, successful one-to-one laptop initiative. However, there still exists a digital divide to conquer.

State of the Union: ESSA an ‘important start’
Education spent a few brief moments in the spotlight during President Obama’s final State of the Union address on Jan. 12. Obama touched on computer science and math education, college- and career-readiness, and early childhood education for all students as he spoke.

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Laura Ascione

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