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Grade students according to their weight, says celebrity diet guru

Overweight school pupils should be penalised by giving extra marks to slim students, celebrity diet guru Pierre Dukan has said, the Huffington Post reports. In an open letter to the “future French president”, Dukan proposed 18-year-old pupils preparing for the Baccalaureat exam should be awarded more marks if they fall within a specific Body Mass Index (BMI) range. The self-proclaimed expert has sold millions of books around the world and has amassed a cult following. Despite Dukan’s claims of one in two French people being overweight, official statistics show the country still boasts the fourth lowest rate of obesity in Europe. Data released by European statistics agency Eurostat in November last year revealed 12.7% of women and 11.7% of men are obese in France. Of those aged 18 to 24, 4.3% of women are deemed obese, while 2.8% of men fall in the same category…

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