
CFY becomes PowerMyLearning

Move will better align organization’s mission, name

computers-powermylearningThe following is a statement from Neil Spears, executive director of the Greater Los Angeles region.

Sixteen years ago, Dan Dolgin and Elisabeth Stock started this organization because they were both deeply concerned about education in our country, and the need to ensure that the paths they both had as students, which had provided them with such amazing opportunities, should be open to everyone – no matter their zip code.

In 1999, the organization was born and was called Computers for Youth — or “CFY” for short. While we were never about only providing “computers for youth,” we’ve become even more convinced over time that it is not just technology alone that powers learning. Rather it is students who power their own learning through a combination of technology and the people who matter most to their success – their families and their teachers.

To better align our mission with our name, I am pleased to share with you that we have officially changed our name to PowerMyLearning.

So, why PowerMyLearning?

We chose this name for our organization because “PowerMyLearning” represents everything we do and everything we stand for. We believe that kids learn best in environments where their teachers and parents are learning too.

For more than 16 years, our organization has helped countless teachers, students, and parents power their learning through technology both in the classroom and in the home. Our work has always been focused on how we can use technology to better meet the individual needs of children and encourage kids to take charge of their learning.

I invite you to help us reach far more schools and far more communities. There are a lot of students, parents, and teachers out there who want to power their learning but could use our collective help.

Let everyone know about PowerMyLearning and help us ensure that the amazing educational opportunities we have all had will be available to future generations of learners, regardless of their zip code.

Neil Spears
Executive Director
PowerMyLearning Greater Los Angeles Region

Material from a press release was used in this report.

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