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Gruesome assignment spells termination for D.C. teacher

A math assignment that required students to figure out how many Africans, Americans, and Indians to bake in ovens for Thanksgiving was a recipe for termination for a third-grade teacher in Washington, D.C, ABC News reports. The unnamed teacher was fired from the Trinidad Center City School in Northeast Washington last Thursday, just one day after she was outed by outraged parents for assigning a set of violence-laced math problems to her students. Local TV news station WUSA-9 was the first to report on the problems which featured situations involving kidnapping, deaths, and killings, including one that was said by a parent to invoke the Holocaust. That question asked students to figure out “How many desperate people were in each oven?” referring to Africans, Americans and Indians. The mandatory 20 homework problems included instances such as, “I was sleeping one night when a hungry vampire sucked 3652 liters of blood from me and 1865 liters of blood from my little brother. How much blood did the hungry vampire drink that night?”

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