Experts say teens are at risk of forgetting months of instruction — particularly in math and science — over the summer break, but some parents are worried that educational summer programs aimed at fighting the brain drain are only overloading students, according to U.S. News & World Report. Studies conducted by the National Summer Learning Association suggest that this academic hiatus can amount to three months’ worth of learning loss in the aforementioned subjects — and the decline is even greater in low-income communities. Students regress in reading and spelling skills, widening the achievement gap between disadvantaged teens and their middle-class counterparts, according to the association, which is the nonprofit behind National Summer Learning Day on June 21. The organization maintains that schools should expand their summer school programs and students should commit a portion of their vacation to brushing up on their academics. And districts across the country are responding to greater demand for summer brush-ups. The Detroit Summer Learning Connection just launched to promote summertime educational activities, and teachers in Georgia’s Gwinnett County have opted to work for free over the summer to offer reading classes to students…
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