ed tech

4 ways to focus on edtech in 2019

New resource guide highlights strategies to put edtech initiatives at the top of the to-do list

Integrating edtech isn’t always easy, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming, either.

Planning is essential to any ed-tech program’s success–without proper planning, entire initiatives can flop.

A new resource from mobile hotspot provider Kajeet outlines some of the biggest steps to take in planning for edtech.

1. Show us the edtech funding

Innovative and inspiring ideas for edtech initiatives that will transform teaching and learning still need financial support. This might come in the form of federal funding or grants–but it must come from somewhere, especially as education leaders continue to identify funding issues as one of the biggest roadblocks to successful tech programs.

Funding guides and grants can help you get your search started.

2. Integrate and understand edtech in the classroom

According to Kajeet data, 79 percent of students use devices in the classroom daily, so it’s important to know how to effectively integrate it and understand its full potential.

Targeted PD focusing on integrating ed tech, along with tapping into valuable resources such as library media specialists, can help a tech program reach success.

3. Bring wi-fi to the buses

Wi-fi access on school buses doesn’t just help the students who ride the buses–it brings wi-fi access to surrounding communities and neighborhoods through designated Homework Zones. School bus wi-fi lets students use personal or school-provided devices to complete homework or collaborate with peers. One district saw bus referrals decline 45 percent after installing wi-fi on buses.

4. Focus on closing the Homework Gap

Most teachers assign homework that requires the internet, but many students don’t necessarily have access to a device, or the right device, with a large enough screen or enough data to complete homework. Even if students have the right devices, unreliable home internet access or no access at all hinders their achievement and ability to complete homework and other projects or research. Because it tends to impact low-income and rural students harder than others, the homework gap can intensify other income or access issues these students and their families face.

Leveraging ed-tech funding to address the homework gap can help, with a few key strategies in place.

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Laura Ascione

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