Swine Flu Pandemic – Learn A Technique To Avoid Swine Flu Forever

The Swine Flu is becoming an epidemic that is sweeping across the nation. There is, however, a technique that can help you avoid infection without resorting to drugs.

Virginia Beach, VA 09/11/09 – The Release Technique is proud to announce that it offers a unique system by which individuals can release all of their negative thoughts and energy and avoid many health problems, including the swine flu.

The abundance course, based on techniques created by Lester Levenson, can teach anyone how to let go of their negative thoughts and better their lives without expending any real effort. Releasing negativity has been proven to lead to better health, more wealth, and a happier life.

Larry Crane is the teacher of the Release Technique. He was a close personal friend to Lester Levenson for over 20 years and learned a great deal about how to release away all of the stress and tension that holds most of us back and causes a multitude of illnesses.

Levenson once told him, "There is no such thing as a germ." While this may sound unbelievable, Crane took it to heart and released the negative energies that were causing him to suffer migraines, ulcers, frequent colds, and other illnesses. He says that he has not seen a doctor in 29 years.

Today, Crane is offering the Release Technique as a self help course sold over the internet. It contains the same information that he has been teaching to CEOs of Fortune 500 companies for the past 20 years and more.

The abundance course teaches an amazingly simple technique that anyone can use to release all of the negative emotions, stress, problems, and unconscious blocks that keep them from having the things they want in life. When applied the technique brings more happiness, more wealth, and better health to all who use it.

For more information about this simple technique that has the power to affect such a profound change in one’s life and even protect one from illnesses like the swine flu, visit http://www.TheReleasetechnique.co.uk

san diego

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The Swine Flu is becoming an epidemic that is sweeping across the nation. There is, however, a technique that can help you avoid infection without resorting to drugs.

Virginia Beach, VA 09/11/09 – The Release Technique is proud to announce that it offers a unique system by which individuals can release all of their negative thoughts and energy and avoid many health problems, including the swine flu.

The abundance course, based on techniques created by Lester Levenson, can teach anyone how to let go of their negative thoughts and better their lives without expending any real effort. Releasing negativity has been proven to lead to better health, more wealth, and a happier life.

Larry Crane is the teacher of the Release Technique. He was a close personal friend to Lester Levenson for over 20 years and learned a great deal about how to release away all of the stress and tension that holds most of us back and causes a multitude of illnesses.

Levenson once told him, "There is no such thing as a germ." While this may sound unbelievable, Crane took it to heart and released the negative energies that were causing him to suffer migraines, ulcers, frequent colds, and other illnesses. He says that he has not seen a doctor in 29 years.

Today, Crane is offering the Release Technique as a self help course sold over the internet. It contains the same information that he has been teaching to CEOs of Fortune 500 companies for the past 20 years and more.

The abundance course teaches an amazingly simple technique that anyone can use to release all of the negative emotions, stress, problems, and unconscious blocks that keep them from having the things they want in life. When applied the technique brings more happiness, more wealth, and better health to all who use it.

For more information about this simple technique that has the power to affect such a profound change in one’s life and even protect one from illnesses like the swine flu, visit http://www.TheReleasetechnique.co.uk

san diego

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