College Board urged to cancel special August SAT

The College Board was urged Monday to cancel a scheduled Aug. 3 administration of the SAT for a select group of ‘gifted and talented’ students enrolled in a $4,500 college prep program, the Washington Post reports. The request to the College Board, which owns the SAT, was sent by educational consultant Elizabeth A. Stone and Robert A. Schaeffer, public education director of the National Center for Fair & Open Testing, known as FairTest. The College Board recently made a deal with the Society for the Gifted and Talented for a select group of students enrolled in an expensive three-week summer program at Amherst College called University Prep. Eight days of the program are devoted to college admissions test prep, with students taking two practice exams. Critics blasted the College Board for agreeing to this special arrangement in large part because the SAT is meant to be a democratizing college admissions exam that supposedly gives less advantaged students a chance to shine…

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