Technology poised to revolutionize education

There is almost no aspect of life that has not been fundamentally changed and re-ordered over the past 100 years through new technology and innovation, the Vancouver Sun reports. Think for instance, of how we communicate, travel, work, and even rest, and you’re hard pressed to find one aspect of life that has not been materially altered by technology. Yet there is one significant aspect of society where very little has changed over the last century: education. It is the one area where a worker, in this case a teacher, from 1913 could be transported to 2013 and adapt quite easily to the modern world. For all intents and purposes, we educate our children in much the same way we did a century ago, in a one-size-fits-all manner. Specifically, most of our education system still relies on a teacher (or professor) formally instructing students in a classroom setting…

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