A new survey reveals the vast majority of medical school students believe that technology in the form of virtual reality exercises could help them develop the skills they will need as future doctors, BusinessWeek reports. The survey of 200 medical students from the University of Michigan and the University of Wisconsin-Madison found nearly all (98 percent) believing the technology to be a definite aid to higher learning. “Due in large part to their high degree of technological literacy, today’s medical students are a radically different audience than the students of 15 to 20 years ago,” study co-author Dr. Frederick W. Kron, a former assistant professor of family medicine at the University of Wisconsin and current president of Medical Cyberworlds Inc., said in a news release. “They are actually more comfortable in image-rich environments than with text,” Kron added. Four out of five of those polled said that video games can have educational value, while more than three-quarters said they would be willing to engage in an online role-play in a virtual health-care setting alongside other student players, if it could help them meet educational goals, the survey found…
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