6-year-old handcuffed for throwing tantrum in school

A 6-year-old who was throwing a tantrum in a Georgia school was handcuffed by police, who were called by school officials, according to a local television station, the Washington Post reports. WMAZ-TV reported that a kindergartner at Creekside Elementary had knocked over a shelf that injured the principal, bitten a door knob, jumped on a paper shredder and attempted to break a glass frame. School officials decided to call the police when they could not reach the girl’s mother. The WMAZ report says that when an officer tried to calm her, she resisted. That’s when she was handcuffed. Milledgeville Chief of Police Dray Swicord was quoted as saying: “Our policy is that any detainee transported to our station in a patrol vehicle is to be handcuffed in the back. There is no age discrimination on that rule.”

The girl’s father, Earnest Johnson, was unhappy that his daughter was handcuffed, WMAZ reported, and her mother, Candace Ruff, was quoted as saying: “She has mood swings some days, which all of us had mood swings some days. I guess that was just one of her bad days that day.”

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