On the brink of the Common Core era, principals leading

The new Common Core era has generated great insecurity, largely because some states, such as New York, implemented the new assessments before rolling out new curricula designed to match the rigorous exams, the Huffington Post reports. Despite its great promise, the Common Core is unlikely to be the “game changer” our policymakers hope it will be unless sensitive and skillful leadership is provided to shepherd the profound changes necessary. Undoubtedly, that leadership will have to come from principals who must take the lead in helping teachers and students meet the challenge of elevated expectations. The challenge for principals goes far beyond managing building and personnel effectively. They will have to prioritize providing genuine instructional leadership and creating systems that make it possible for teachers to be successful. That may mean creatively delegating some operations. There is no single recipe for how to do all that is vital, but there are key ingredients…

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